Instagram for Nonprofits: How to Use the Platform for Fundraising and Awareness

3 min read

It’s safe to say that Instagram has taken over the world, and it doesn’t seem like it will slow down any time soon. As the photo-sharing social network has grown in popularity, it’s important to know how to use it for your nonprofit organization. Here are ways to incorporate Instagram into your nonprofit organization to raise awareness, connect followers, and increase fundraising.

Posting Ideas

Instagram is perfect for nonprofits that are interested in connecting with their followers and growing right along with them. It’s a platform that allows you to share ideas, and show what’s going on behind the scenes. The Instagram followers you buy from Goread are guaranteed to be of high-quality and provide real engagement.

Photo Opportunities

As a nonprofit organization, you are constantly doing events to raise money and awareness for your cause. Think about all of the opportunities you could have to take great photos at your meetings or events.

Engaging Your Community

Your followers on Instagram can be very passionate about your cause, and they will likely want to do something in order to help out more. There are so many ways that community engagement can be done, both online and offline.

Smart Self-Promotion

By the nature of it being a photo-based social network, Instagram is perfect for self-promotion and marketing your nonprofit organization to attract more followers. You have all of these amazing pictures that show off your organization, and you can ask people to share them with their friends, which will bring in more eyes on the pages of your organization.

A Different Demographic

Instagram appeals to a different demographic than your average Facebook followers or Twitter followers. It is quick and easy to access, which makes it ideal for the younger generations who may not want to spend hours on your website.

To Boost Fundraising

While your Instagram followers can’t donate directly through the app, there are ways for them to see your fundraising goals and give if inspired by what you are doing.

Defining Your Brand

Using Instagram for your nonprofit organization is a great way to define your brand, and show it in all its glory. Not only can you share things with your followers, you can ask them for input as well.


Instagram is amazing for awareness campaigns. If you are trying to draw attention to a certain cause, it can be done in a much more organic and beautiful way than through text links.


Instagram is obviously more than just a photo-sharing app, but it has become a social media powerhouse that nonprofits need to use for their own organization. By adding it as an appropriate tool for your nonprofit organization, you will find yourself gaining more followers, funding increases, and all around attention from curious eyes.

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